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As of now, savvy Indian investors are infatuated with newly listed Freshworks Inc, which by their own admission made over 500 employees crorepatis. The stock has seen a significant increase in interest in the last few days, according to brokers who facilitate investments in the US-listed entities.

"I will prefer to buy stocks in energy, capital good space, particularly since we see infrastructure spending increasing in this country. Since the market is at 18,000, nothing is cheap at these levels. But if I have to look at the relative valuations, then these are the pockets which will give phenomenal opportunity."

Swaminomics: Why India needs more startup crorepatis

Updated at : 2021-09-26 10:20:02

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"Many critics think India (and the world) have too many billionaires and want to reduce the number to check wealth disparities. I would go in the opposite direction, creating thousands of new crorepatis year after year. That too will reduce disparities."

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The reflation trade stalled during the summer. But the central bank said this week it would likely begin pulling back on its $120 billion a month government bond purchasing program as soon as November, while also signaling that it may raise interest rates in 2022, earlier than many expected.

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The announcement of the non-binding merger pact on Wednesday underlines Invesco’s case for change, it said in a September 23 note to the ZEE board. Invesco said it had first sought an EGM to discuss the matter of directors on September 11.

Several Indian investors rushed to square off their positions in smaller cryptocurrencies while others took refuge in safer names like Bitcoin and Ethereum as the asset class tumbled on Friday and Saturday after the Chinese central bank declared all cryptocurrencies illegal.

“These are not the traditional retail investors who were not very sophisticated, not very educated and who were really stock market speculators. The new retail investors are fairly smart, clued to the market thanks to Telegram and WhatsApp. Information dissemination is a 100x of what we had experienced in similar periods of our lives. This is a pretty potent force.”

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“Capital goods, infrastructure and real estate has come as a new investor interest area because of the demand that is suddenly there. If one wants to take a slightly contra, long-term call, then select opportunities in the auto sector can be considered.”

Women turn investment hobbies into habit

Updated at : 2021-09-25 19:20:01

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The tide is changing for the better. Kuvera saw women’s participation increase from 19% to 27% on its app, in the last 10 years. Research suggests that women make better investors as they tend to be more patient and more goal-based.

Bull run reaches Barpeta: Bharat logs in for bucks

Updated at : 2021-09-25 19:20:01

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Though Delhi and Mumbai contribute the highest share of new investors (5.9% and 5.8%, respectively in August), smaller cities like Surat and Ahmedabad are registering a significant number of investors.

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