Technical Analysis for NAVINFLUOR

Fundamental Analysis for NAVINFLUOR

Market Cap 20162.53
Book Value 481
Stock P/E 76.7
Dividend Yield 0.34
ROCE 10.4
ROE 10.1
Sales Growth(3Y) 21
Face Value(3Y) 2
Current Price 4064.5

NAVINFLUOR Intraday Screener

LTP(chng/ichng) OHL Fut OI PD H/L ORB CPR Pivot Cam
4064.50 (-3.40% / -3.43%)N/ALUnw < PDL < BC Below S3
< S4

NAVINFLUOR Moving Averages (EOD)

DATE LTP(chng%) 5EMA 10EMA 20EMA 50EMA 100EMA 200EMA VOL(chng%) 20VSMA
2025-02-11 4064.50 (-3.55) 4154.01 4103.22 3969.4 3745.31 3607.68 3549.12 183277(-6.13%) 310337.4
2025-02-10 4208.75 (-0.3) 4198.76 4111.83 3959.38 3732.28 3598.46 3543.94 194503(-7.96%) 313705.05
2025-02-07 4221.45 (-0.61) 4193.77 4090.29 3933.14 3712.83 3586.13 3537.25 209986(39.10%) 311269
2025-02-06 4247.40 (-0.12) 4179.93 4061.14 3902.79 3692.07 3573.29 3530.38 127885(-36.07%) 333509.5
2025-02-05 4252.45 (1.09) 4146.2 4019.75 3866.51 3669.41 3559.67 3523.17 174008(-10.65%) 366332.8
2025-02-04 4206.05 (0.79) 4093.07 3968.04 3825.89 3645.61 3545.68 3515.84 192534(-151.61%) 532002.65
2025-02-03 4173.00 (0.97) 4036.59 3915.15 3785.87 3622.73 3532.34 3508.9 484432(62.87%) 529826.45
2025-02-01 4132.65 (-0.39) 3968.38 3857.85 3745.12 3600.27 3519.39 3502.22 179862(-1282.97%) 520229.25
2025-01-31 4148.70 (5.8) 3886.24 3796.78 3704.33 3578.55 3507.01 3495.89 2487440(83.76%) 516969.35
2025-01-30 3908.25 (4.3) 3755.01 3718.58 3657.55 3555.27 3494.04 3489.32 403921(51.55%) 397005.2

NAVINFLUOR Technical Analysis (EOD)

2025-02-11 4064.50 (-3.55) bullish bullish ubb-lbb 53.16 bullish 82.02 59.27 3620.95 bullish 56.49 -29.43
2025-02-10 4208.75 (-0.3) bullish bullish ubb-lbb 87.83 bullish 85.36 69.53 3607.11 bearish 65.06 -11.33
2025-02-07 4221.45 (-0.61) bullish bullish ubb-lbb 104.39 bullish 85.66 70.53 3592.99 bullish 64.31 -9.74
2025-02-06 4247.40 (-0.12) bullish bullish ubb-lbb 133.27 bullish 90.49 72.50 3578.58 bullish 66.95 -6.48
2025-02-05 4252.45 (1.09) bullish bullish ubb-lbb 152.45 bullish 88.64 72.87 3563.88 bullish 70.26 -5.85
2025-02-04 4206.05 (0.79) bullish bullish >ubb 164.12 bullish 88.45 71.64 3548.87 bearish 67.57 -11.67
2025-02-03 4173.00 (0.97) bullish bullish >ubb 197.82 bullish 88.37 70.76 3533.56 bullish 63.06 -15.81
2025-02-01 4132.65 (-0.39) bullish bullish >ubb 213.20 bullish 87.72 69.70 3517.94 bearish 62.53 -20.88
2025-01-31 4148.70 (5.8) bullish bullish >ubb 272.12 bullish 91.43 70.65 3502.00 bullish 64.48 -18.86
2025-01-30 3908.25 (4.3) bullish bullish ubb-lbb 125.02 bullish 64.22 63.80 3959.74 bullish 62.27 -5.08


DATE CLOSE(chng%) VOLUME(chng%) DELIVERY(chng%) FLTP(chng%) FVO(chng%) FOI(chng%)
2025-02-11 4064.50 (-3.55) 183277(-6.13%) 103449 (8.64%) 4082.30 (-3.26%) 2350(40.21%) 1017625(-6.43%)
2025-02-10 4208.75 (-0.3) 194503(-7.96%) 94513 (-9.10%) 4215.25 (-0.60%) 1405(7.69%) 1083075(-2.00%)
2025-02-07 4221.45 (-0.61) 209986(39.10%) 103109 (35.87%) 4240.60 (-0.44%) 1297(23.05%) 1104775(-0.46%)
2025-02-06 4247.40 (-0.12) 127885(-36.07%) 66119 (-31.36%) 4259.10 (-0.08%) 998(-48.40%) 1109850(-0.98%)
2025-02-05 4252.45 (1.09) 174008(-10.65%) 86854 (15.05%) 4262.30 (0.90%) 1481(-29.91%) 1120700(-1.42%)
2025-02-04 4206.05 (0.79) 192534(-151.61%) 73785 (-105.05%) 4223.80 (0.75%) 1924(-113.67%) 1136625(-7.01%)
2025-02-03 4173.00 (0.97) 484432(62.87%) 151294 (74.72%) 4192.20 (1.10%) 4111(47.68%) 1216250(-2.35%)
2025-02-01 4132.65 (-0.39) 179862(-1282.97%) 38254 (-990.90%) 4146.25 (-0.67%) 2151(-674.52%) 1244775(-2.46%)
2025-01-31 4148.70 (5.8) 2487440(83.76%) 417312 (74.39%) 4173.95 (6.23%) 16660(81.36%) 1275400(71.90%)
2025-01-30 3908.25 (4.3) 403921(51.55%) 106888 (52.23%) 3913.85 (4.50%) 3106(15.49%) 358400(-11.72%)

OHL : Open = High or Open = Low,
Fut OI : Futures Open Interest Build,
PD H/L : LTP is greater than Previous Day High or lower than Previous Day Low,
ORB : open range breakout ex:Abv 1H means ltp higher than first 1 hour candle high.
CPR : Central Pivot Range.
Cam :Camarilla Levels :
Price Above H4 Camarilla Level
Price Between H4 and H3 Camarilla Levels
Price Between H3 and L3 Camarilla Levels
Price Between L3 and L4 Camarilla Levels
Price Below L4 Camarilla Level
PTr : Positional Trend, 50 -> 50EMA, 200 -> 200EMA, BB -> Bollinger bands, VSMA -> 20 Vol SMA, OI -> Open Interest %, DEL -> Delivery %,
P u/d : Price up from n days / Price down from n days, V u/d : Volume up from n days / Volume down from n days
FLTP : Futures Close, FVOL : Futures Volume, FOI : Futures Open Interest,
Last Updated at : 2025-02-11 15:59:03.

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