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Stock Screener Intraday

Symbol LTP(chng/vol) OHL Fut OI Oi S/R PD H/L ORB CPR Pivot On Cam
TATACHEM1148.90 (1.52% / 141.04%)N/ALUnw1060/1200 >PDH Abv 15M > TC Above R3
130> R4
TATACOMM1774.65 (-0.70% / 195.13%)O=HLUnw0/0 < PDL < BC Below S3
78< S4
TATACONSUM1002.55 (-1.98% / 23.23%)N/ALUnw1000/1200 < PDL Bel 1H < BC Below S3
143< S4
TATAMOTORS834.05 (-0.74% / 47.12%)O=HLUnw920/1000 < PDL Bel 1H < BC Below S3
161< S4
TATAPOWER440.05 (3.06% / 84.96%)N/ALUnw420/500MidAbv 1HMidP - R1
TATASTEEL148.56 (-0.28% / 80.53%)N/ALUnw165/170 < PDL < BC S1 - P
TCS3968.45 (-2.85% / 28.72%)N/ALUnw4100/4400 < PDL Bel 1H < BC Below S3
34< S4
TECHM1608.65 (-4.53% / 43.69%)N/ALUnw1600/1700MidBel 1H > TC P - R1
TITAN3267.05 (-1.26% / 55.23%)N/ALUnw3450/3600 < PDL < BC Below S3
42< S4
TORNTPHARM3202.65 (2.07% / 23.10%)O=LLBld3300/2600 < PDL < BC Below S3
40< S4
TORNTPOWER527.65 (-1.40% / 46.39%)O=HLBld500/548 < PDL < BC Below S3
-< S4
-TRENT7128.35 (-1.72% / 33.36%)N/ALUnw7000/8000MidBel 3 MIN < BC S1 - P
TVSMOTOR2493.70 (1.42% / 57.29%)N/ALUnw2400/2800 < PDL Abv 1H < BC Below S3
57< S4

Stock EOD Screener

PTr Symbol LTP BB RSI 50 200 VOL VSMA OI DEL P u/d V u/d
TATACHEM 1062.85 mid 47.85 1071 1060 4.63% 1.03% 22.14% 3Up
TATACOMM 1997.30 mid 61.12 1900 1817 79.00% 3.79% 83.13%
TATACONSUM 1204.15 mid 54.99 1179 1102 -8.47% 1.03% 13.97%
TATAMOTORS 1035.80 mid 41.42 1053 933 -4.15% -0.54% -7.81% 3Up
TATAPOWER 445.35 >ubb 61.37 429 391 83.40% 6.36% 81.19%
TATASTEEL 149.42 mid 37.23 157 158 21.59% 0.07% 19.44%
TCS 4507.85 mid 60.82 4311 3988 14.48% 1.36% -3.81% 3Dn 2Up
TECHM 1607.40 mid 54.11 1540 1377 -16.65% 1.53% -15.24% 3Up
TITAN 3727.40 mid 67.80 3493 3423 16.75% 1.00% 30.26% 3Up
TORNTPHARM 3426.15 mid 62.16 3225 2752 53.75% -0.07% 61.02% 2Up
TORNTPOWER 1688.35 mid 50.05 1648 1355 -5.51% 3.83% -3.32%
TRENT 7137.95 mid 69.52 6248 4652 6.93% 0.13% 21.56%
TVSMOTOR 2755.00 mid 61.78 2591 2211 -16.43% -0.29% -6.07% 3Up

Super Trend Direction : Green Arrow -> Up Trend, Red Arrow -> Down Trend
OHL : Open = High or Open = Low,
Fut OI : Futures Open Interest Build, Oi S/R : Option Chain Open interest Based Support & Resistance Levels,
PD H/L : LTP is greater than Previous Day High or lower than Previous Day Low,
ORB : open range breakout of 1st hour (9:15AM - 10:15AM),
ON : LTP crossover On Pivots , CPR : Central Pivot Range.
Cam :Camarilla Levels :
Price Above R4 Camarilla Level
Price Between R4 and R3 Camarilla Levels
Price Between R3 and S3 Camarilla Levels
Price Between S3 and S4 Camarilla Levels
Price Below S4 Camarilla Level
PTr : Positional Trend, 50 -> 50EMA, 200 -> 200EMA, VSMS -> 20 Vol SMA, DEL -> Delivery %,
P u/d : Price up from n days / Price down from n days, V u/d : Volume up from n days / Volume down from n days
Last Updated at : 2024-11-01 15:29:02.
Oi S/R Updated at : 2024-11-01 15:05:09.
Technical Screener 5MIN TF Updated at : 2023-12-18 15:34:59.

If you want to know how to use this website please contact us on Telegram @mystockrishi
Use this screener at Market Timings. Read Complete Guide on Screener

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